Friday, September 14, 2007

Jena Six Update - Our Voices HAVE Been Heard

Mychal Bell has been freed and ALL charges have been dropped for which he was convicted. The state Circuit Court of Appeals stated that he should have NEVER been tried in adult court for a juevinile trial. So, even though the charges have been dropped in adult court, prosecutors are now looking to charge him in juevenile court.

MYCHAL BELL IS A FREE MAN!!!!!! I tell you, I cannot be any happier right now. I had to force myself not to cry on my drive home from work. That was the BEST news I could have heard all day!

BUT, for those of you who think that our fight is over…….you couldn’t be anymore wrong. The protest that Michael Baisden has generated for September 20th still needs to go on. We need to let the court system and this country know that we will stand together for what is right. We need to let these people know that they cannot just throw our children in jail and think that they are going to get away with it.

For those of you who had plans to protest on the 20th, do not change your plans. You still need to be there! For those of you who cannot make it to the protest down in Jena, Louisiana, remember to wear ALL BLACK on the 20th to show your silent protest. We have been heard, but our fight is NOT over!!!



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