Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's time to hoot and holler!!!

Mychal Bell has been FREED on bail!!! What a joyous day today is! And, if I may say......he looked damn good as he set foot out of that courthouse. I cried some good tears, I'll tell ya that.

But, I must ask....why must ONE fool try and destroy something good? In case you haven't heard by now, the district attorney said the following: "The only way _ let me stress that _ the only way that I believe that me or this community has been able to endure the trauma that has been thrust upon us is through the prayers of the Christian people who have sent them up in this community." Seriously, what kind of ignorance is that? To make it worse, he was terribly serious in what he was saying.

I don't want this blog to focus on the negative. I want to focus on the positive....MYCHAL BELL IS A FREE MAN................for now. We shall see what happens when this case is taken to juevenile court.

Sidenote: I know I've been lax on my postings. There's just so much to write about in such little time. But beware, when I do get caught up on my postings, you will have a lot to read.

I look forward to your comments. Be blessed and be safe people.


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