Monday, March 9, 2009

In Need of Volunteers

I have received the information packet from DKMS (today) about setting up a Bone Marrow Donor Drive for Jasmina Amena, the 6-year old little girl who is in need of a Bone Marrow Transplant. The first step in setting up a donor drive is obtaining volunteers. SO, I am reaching out to all of you who come and read my blog to step up. Being a volunteer is extremely easy and will definitely be rewarding. I will need people to assist with the following:

1. Picking a location (I'm currently working on this now)
2. Media and Public Relations - let's spread the word
3. Fundraising
4. Location set-up
5. Information table
6. Registration on the day of the drive
7. Testing (a simple cheek swab)
8. Manning the donation table on the day of the drive
9. Check-out station
10. Refreshment area

Let's all step up and help this precious little girl - and others just like her. If you cannot volunteer, it's ok...there are other ways to help. Please respond to indicate your willingness to help out. Together, we can ALL save a life!


1 comment:

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Title: Pathology